Tired? Ditch Coffee, Drink Water

Tired, Headaches, bunged up or bloated?  7 Signs you need to drink more water

Despite eating a balanced diet, all the veg and fruit, protein, fibre… many people forget the simplest (and most crucial) thing: WATER.

Water makes up 50-75% of your body and a staggering 80% of your brain – so it’s no wonder dehydration affects how you feel. In this post we’ll break down the 7 key signs of dehydration, why hydration is vital, and how you can easily drink more water daily.

Firstly… Why Does Hydration Matter? (1)(2)(3).

Water isn’t just for quenching thirst. It:

  • Affects focus and concentration: keeps you alert and focused on everyday life but also at work, when studying, when at the gym.

  • Helps with bloating constipation

  • Regulated body temperature

  • Helps remove waste (via urine)

  • Lubricates joints and prevents aches

  • Transports vital nutrients around your body

7 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

  1. You Feel Thirsty & Have a Dry Mouth

    • If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.

  2. You are Peeing less

    • This seems obvious but if you’re peeing little or less than 4x a day.

  3. Your Urine Is Dark or Has a Strong Smell

    • Check your urine -- You’re looking for a pale straw colour = hydrated. Dark yellow = drink more water.

  4. You Feel Bloated & Constipated

    • Drinking water helps with digestion as it keeps everything moving through your gut smoothly. Drinking water helps move food through the digestive tract which helps prevent constipation which is a common cause of feeling bloated.

  5. Frequent Headaches & Poor Concentration

    • Even mild dehydration reduces brain function and focus.

  6. You’re Always Tired, feel dizzy or lightheaded

    • Water is essential for energy levels—lack of it can lead to fatigue.

  7. You get UTIs

    • Dehydration is a risk factor for UTIs, meaning it can cause your kidneys to produce less urine which can become stale, creating a perfect environment for harmful bacteria to grow. This then results in UTIs.


How Much Water Do You Need?

Your needs vary depending on weight, exercise, temperature, and pregnancy. A general rule:

💧 35ml per kg of body weight. But ~1.6-2L per day for most adults is fine.

If you’re sweating more (hot weather, exercise), you must replace what you lost, so drink more after training!


How To Stay Hydrated:

Here are some ways to keep yourself hydrated.

💦 Drink little and often – don’t wait until you’re thirsty.
Set reminders – use your phone or watch to prompt you to have a glass of water every hour or so.
🚰 Keep a bottle/jug nearby – at your desk, in your bag.
🧐 Check your urine colour – aim for pale straw colour.
🍋 Make water taste better – add lemon, cucumber, or berries. Add a bit of squash or juice if you want
Tea & coffee count (but watch caffeine—it has a slight dehydrating effect).
🥣 Eat your water – 20-30% of water comes from stews, soups, and water-rich fruits/veggies help too!


Dehydration is sneaky but easy to fix. Make drinking water a daily habit, listen to your body’s signals and keep track of how you feel!


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